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Individuals who own a home or a business should make certain they have an adequate amount of insurance in case they ever need to use it. Many individuals don't have the proper amount of insurance they need because they don't understand what's covered in each individual policy. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn important information about the various types of home and business insurance in Lakeland.

What type of insurance coverage is available for individuals who own a home?

Individuals who own a home should definitely contact a qualified homeowners insurance Lakeland area agent to request a quote. There are several different types of home insurance policies and various price ranges for each. A basic policy, which is the least expensive, covers various dangers, such as fire, theft, lightning and hail.

The next policy level covers all the basic hazards as well as air conditioning or heating system malfunction, broken water pipes inside the house and falling objects. In addition to coverage for the above dangers, special form insurance also covers structures that are attached to the house, such as the garage. This home insurance Lakeland policy also protects homeowners if someone is hurt while on their property.

What should business owners know before purchasing insurance for their business?

Before purchasing insurance for a business, individuals should read about all of the various types of coverage that's available. General liability is one of the most important types of insurance a business owner must purchase. Liability covers medical expenses if someone is hurt on the property.

Business owners who manufacture or sell any type of product must contact a sale insurance lakeland area agent to inquire about product liability insurance. Those who provide a service to others should invest in professional liability insurance. This offers protection from being sued for malpractice or negligence.

Purchasing property insurance means that business owners are covered if their building or property becomes damaged. Business owners who have employees on the payroll must immediately purchase workman's compensation insurance in the event that an employee gets hurt on the job. If vehicles are used for the business, it will be necessary to have commercial auto insurance.

Having the correct policy and the right amount of coverage is very important for homeowners and business owners. Researching the various types of policies before purchase is one way that individuals can be sure they get the policy they need. Get additional information by contacting a business and personal insurance Lakeland area agent.
